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Rosenberg specializes in removing pigment spots, bumps, warts etc with the Cryopen. A thin beam of -89 degrees comes out of that and within 2 weeks it is totally gone! If you have larger areas of pigmentation spots caused by the sun, there is the Glycolic Acid Peeling and the product PIGMENT for home in our webshop + 



We cover the most common pigmentation spots here.



Sun spot (Lentigo Solaris)

post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation


These are usually caused by the sun, hormones sometimes play a role (melasma), perfume use or skin damage such as after acne or a fall. We also treat age-related warts. They look like pigment spots but feel rough to the touch.


Besides pigment spots we also treat all benign warts and acne

Bruin haarmodel

De pigmentvlek, de nieuwe rimpel

Pigmentation disorders have multiple causes, the sun being the most common. Because we travel more far away than we did 30 years ago, hyperpigmentation has become the new wrinkle. And you can't just spray these away with Botox or a Filler.


What is hyperpigmentation?

Hyperpigmentation is not a condition per se, but a term that describes skin that appears darker.


Types of hyperpigmentation

There are several types of hyperpigmentation, the most common being melasma, sun spots and post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation.


Melasma. Melasma is believed to be caused by hormonal changes and can develop during pregnancy. Areas of hyperpigmentation can occur on all parts of the body, but most often on the abdomen and face.

Sunspots. Sunspots, also called liver spots or sunlight lentigines, are common. They result from overexposure to the sun. Generally, they appear as spots on areas exposed to the sun, such as the hands and face.

Post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. This results from an injury or inflammation of the skin. A common cause of this type is acne.


Dark spots on the skin are the main symptoms of hyperpigmentation. The spots can vary in size and develop anywhere on the body.


The biggest risk factors for general hyperpigmentation are sun exposure and inflammation (e.g., acne), as both situations can increase melanin production. The more you are exposed to the sun, the greater the risk of increased skin pigmentation.


Depending on the type of condition, other risk factors for hyperpigmented spots may include:


use of oral contraception or pregnancy, as seen with melasma

darker skin type, which is more prone to pigmentary changes

medications that increase your sensitivity to sunlight

trauma to the skin, such as a wound or superficial burn injury

What causes hyperpigmentation?

A common cause of hyperpigmentation is excessive production of melanin. Melanin is a pigment that gives skin its color. It is produced by skin cells called melanocytes. Several conditions or factors can alter your body's production of melanin.


Certain medications can cause hyperpigmentation. Some chemotherapy drugs can also have hyperpigmentation as a side effect.


Pregnancy changes hormone levels and can affect melanin production in some women.


A rare endocrine disease, Addison's disease, can cause hyperpigmentation that is most evident in areas exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck and hands, and in areas exposed to friction, such as the elbows and knees.


Hyperpigmentation is a direct result of increased levels of a hormone in your body that results in increased melanin synthesis.


Excessive sun exposure can also cause an increase in melanin and is the most common cause. In addition, the use of perfume on the skin is considered to cause pigmentation as well as cosmetics with non-natural ingredients.


Protecting the skin


Home care also includes the use of sunscreen. Sunscreen is the single most important factor in addressing most causes of hyperpigmentation. Look for:

A physically blocking sunscreen, preferably with zinc oxide as the main active ingredient at least an SPF 30 to 50

Use a sunscreen daily. Reapply it every 2 hours if you are in the sun - more often if you sweat or swim.

Wearing hats or clothing that block sunlight

Avoiding the sun at the time of day when it is strongest, usually between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m.

Avoiding certain medications can also help prevent hyperpigmentation.

Protecting the skin is important for prevention but even more important after sunspot treatment. The various treatment methods stimulate increased cell division that generates new skin. We compare the new skin to a baby's skin. Silky soft, unblemished but vulnerable.


Zinc oxide

Zinc oxide is the white visible in healthy sunscreens. There is now pure zinc oxide available that you can mix into your cream yourself or use it pure. Apply pure zinc oxide with a brush or cotton swab to your (just treated) sun spot.


Glycolic acid

Glycolic acid comes in different strengths. For home use, a % of around 10% is recommended. At Rosenberg, 20% is available which is usually only used to touch up the sunspot with. Going forward, % higher than 10 are better to leave to the professional. Rosenberg offers peels in soft, normal and strong. An added benefit is that Glycolic acid promotes cell division and has as a "side effect" younger silky smooth skin. Also, Glycolic acid allows the skin to produce collagen. Also, "weird" cells that come up and plan to make a wart on you are usually eliminated immediately. A skin often also already contains pigmentary disturbances in depth that are not visible (yet). Glycolic acid solves this problem in depth. The beauty of Glycolic Acid is that it removes all dead skin cells. Often also a cause of congestion and acne. Be aware that it makes the skin a bit bloter as a result, so protect it well in the sun.


Treatment of sun spots (pigmentation)

If the face, decollete or hands are completely full of spots, it is preferable to do a peeling first. However, the extra prominent spots can be removed directly via freezing.


The CryoPen

The CryoPen, the name says it all, is a pen where a very narrow icy cold (-89 degrees) jet blows. The pen does not touch the skin. It is important to work very precisely and not to touch the healthy skin. Rosenberg ensures faster recovery and a minuscule chance of scarring due to the precise method that is also accompanied by the special recovery-promoting cream applied and given afterwards.


Prevention is better than cure

Do the hydrofacial regularly

Use glycolic acid

Do not spray perfume on the skin

Take care of the skin without chemicals

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Rosenberg SKIN Clinic


Van Eeghenlaan 27

1071 EN Amsterdam Zuid


Maliebaan 45

3681 CD Utrecht


Frederik van Eedenlaan 18

1262 AB Blaricum


Wijnhaven 36

3011 WS Rotterdam






Call +31(0)35-208 0720 or WhatsApp +31(0)653 276 070



Evening & Saturday appointments also possible in Blaricum


*price may change, check current price


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© 2020 Rosenberg Skin Clinic®


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ANBOS lidnr 21996 AGB zorgverlenerscode voor verzekering acne JATW Rosenberg AGB 89100336 en Rosenberg Skin Clinic AGB 89053912

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